Thursday, May 21, 2009

something bigger than ourselves

Since we've been in China, we've had quite a few interesting stories...many of them quite humorous actually. As a matter of fact, every time we go out w/out a translator is an adventure in itself. Over the past 9 days, we've gotten used to things like not being able to all, riding in a mini-bus all day, and using chopsticks to pick up everything on our plate....not always an easy feat.
As we've gotten the chance to settle in, it's been easier to get a grasp on why we're here. Yes, we're here doing cultural exchanges with Chinese university students, and we hope we have great opportunities. We've already been able to share the good news w/ many Chinese students who have never heard it before. That has been a really cool thing...but just like every missions trip, "dad" has something in store for each of us personally.
Yesterday evening, we were able to sit down in our hotel room and sing a little, then share with each other what the Father has revealed to us so far. It was great to hear people sharing about things like a new found passion for evangelism, or a refreshed perspective on missions. Another thing mentioned several times was an increased awareness of our own inadequacies as humans. Being in a foreign culture, interacting in a language other than your own has a tendency to be really humbling...but that's a good thing. It points out that HE is the one doing the work. HE is the one that changes lives. We have a tendency to put so much pressure on ourselves to change peoples lives...and our own lives for that matter. That's not really His plan. Instead, He has called us to be faithful in what we do, being obedient to him along the way. In Him, we are made strong. In Him, we find our identity. This is a pretty common theme, but sometimes you need to travel half way across the world to get a refresher course in Life 101.
We have 5 days left here and we want great things to happen. We would love it if you would continue to think about us as He leads us along the way. We want to make an impact in China, but we also want to come back as changed people.
Thanks for your support so far. We'll be sure and keep you updated!
-Jared K

1 comment:

  1. HI every one! It is great to hear about your adventures!! The pictures are great!! We are glad that things have been going so well.
    David B. was offered his dream job today at Creighton! YAY! Looking forward to seeing all of you and hearing your stories. Jeff and Anne
